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what is solpunk?

Solpunk is a gathering for anyone interested in creating anything solarpunk with others!

What does that actually mean? Is it an un-conference? Is it a festival? Is it just some punks in a field? A wise guess is that people here are interested in many of the following things:

Lowtech and community tech, energy reduction and renewables, sharing resources, temporary nomadic community, dancing, alternative economy, creating a just future, hackathons, dumpster diving, opensource hardware, software and production, means of care and solidarity, community

Solpunk operates according to the following principles:

There was a Solpunk gathering in '21 at the grounds of the Myselium Collective, in '22 at Arbejdsfællesskabet Åkilde, both in Denmark, in '23 on a farm close to Malmö, Sweden and in '24 in Alte Hölle near Berlin, Germany. In '25 we meet in Poland.

Some of the workshops in the past was composting, utopia & seeds, conflict deescalation, 90s eurodance trance party, plant tatoo party, dumpster diving all the things, apple cider punk, homebirth 101, black diaper baby ama, crowdfunding free housing, quantum computing, scuttlebutt intro, climbing the chimney, paper making and more and all the connections and meetings happening in between it all.

It's a great opportunity to learn, experience and share. So bring your projects, make a workshop!

in other words?

Solpunk is a gathering event where people meet and share space for workshops, discussions and knowledge sharing on many different topics directly or indirectly connected to what we perceive as solarpunk culture, technology and life.

Solpunk is self-organized and co-created. Caring is central to making solpunk happen. We care for each other, our environment and the resources we use.

in yet other words? ;)

Solarpunk is what we practice.

For even more words on what solarpunk can be, read the manifesto or this s-f story.

when, where and how?

Time and place

19th-26th of August 2025, first two-three days are buildup.

Podebłocie 100km south from Warsaw, Poland.


Off the grid, 6kW PV installation with 15 kWh battery.


At the tiny house and a few other spots.

Toilets and showers

At the house there is a toilet and a shower. Maybe we can build some compost toilets near the sleeping spots?

A kitchen

There is a small kitchen in the tiny house. We may want to set-up some temporary outdoods cooking and dining place.

Everyone should bring something to eat from and with for themselves.

Sleeping areas

Bring a tent or a hammock with a tarp. There may also be some hammocks and tarps at the place to use.

There will also be some communal tents for the workshops that can be used for sleeping, if needed.

Workshops space

We'll have 2-3 large tents from the local scouts group. There is also a huge green area to play, walk, explore the peatbog, and maybe even swim!

Tech stuff

Bring your gear if you want to join the decentral interwebz someone will build, or learn about new radical software or just hack away.


It's possible to bring kids. Note it in the sign-up form to get in contact with other parents.

Resources and money

How do we make this happen? Share knowledge, goods, logistics and so on. Expenditures from money, and so we share in the end of the gathering. So a mix between donation based, temporary shared economy. Give what you can, use what you need, we do this together.

who are we?

Who and how - are - we? We are a group doing this together, and we want to learn how to do things together. If you want to tag along, you are in the group. We are we.